How to Treat Depression - Stop Being Depressed and Find Sound Mental Health

Depression hypnosis is used by hypnotherapists when a person is suffering from clinical depression and seems unable to get out of it by using other types of counseling or doesn't want to or shouldn't use drugs to help them. Depression hypnosis is used to reprogram the subconscious mind so that the stream of habitually depressing, defeating, negative, despairing thoughts is broken and dissipated and the subconscious mind becomes a repository of life-affirming, positive, emotionally healthy thoughts.

You can also use self-hypnosis to help yourself overcome or prevent depression.

Now, we all experience some sort of depressing thing happening to us, to someone we love, or in society at large. But usually, when we say we are "depressed", we are speaking metaphorically even if we don't realize it. We usually refer to a passing "blues", a temporary time of grief, or sympathetic sorrow about something as being depressed; but in fact it's far worse than that when one is truly depressed.

Depression can turn you into someone that those who know you barely recognize. You can become a stranger to yourself. Depression is not passing; it is a persistent complex of life-sucking, energy-depleting, despairing thoughts that just churns and churns, making the depressed person feel down about nearly every single thing and nearly all the time. Nothing helps. In fact, when one is depressed, one of the tell-tale signs is that things they always took great pleasure or joy in now feel empty or meaningless to them. Things that deeply interested them no longer hold their attention and they don't feel inspired or excited by the thought of them.

These and other terrible thoughts and feelings are called depression, in the clinical sense, when they take over a person's life and are ever-present for longer than two consecutive weeks. Most people who have good reason to grieve, such as if they have just lost their beloved of 20 years, are able to pick up the pieces and become more like themselves again, even if they are still hurting deeply, in about two weeks, if not less. So if feelings of utter grief or despair persist longer than that, and especially when nothing that should have caused such grief happened in the person's life, it's said that the person is likely sliding into depression.

As I said above, depression happens because these despairing thoughts never dissipate or let go their hold on the mind. What this means is that they have taken root deeply in the subconscious mind. This is why hypnotherapy can be so powerful in getting rid of depression over time. Hypnosis targets and speaks to the subconsciousness, so that thoughts and feelings that are rooted there and are harming a person's life can be uprooted and replaced with a healthy stream of consciousness.

Depression hypnosis bores through the conscious mind, which in this context is acting as a wall between objectivity and the subconscious imagery a person has. If you do depression hypnosis on yourself, you use your conscious mind to send new signals and images to your subconscious mind telling it to let go of the depressing ideas and let brighter concepts take root there.

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