Living With a Depressed Spouse - A Case Study of a Couple Learning to Live With Depression

Living with a depressed spouse isn't easy. Sometimes you get so angry that you want to rip your hair out. Other times you cry because you just don't know how to help them. This article will help you to understand what your spouse is going through, and will give you some tips to make your life a little bit easier.

Depression is one of those things that can start gradually, and become worse and worse. Or, it can appear out of nowhere. One day, your spouse is fine, the next they're not. When you're tying to live like this, it can wear you down fast. Not only that, it can destroy your marriage.

I'll tell you about a couple I've recently helped. I'll call them John and Mary.

Mary was a housewife. She was always happy, energetic, and loved to do things with the family. John went to work every day, to provide for the family. John always thought they had a good relationship - they talked together, they laughed together, they cried together. They completed each other.

One day, John came home to his wife siting on the couch. The house was a mess, the kids were running around screaming and playing. There was no dinner being cooked. It seemed like he walked into someone else's house.

He looked at Mary, and saw she had been crying. He asked her what was wrong, and she said 'nothing'.

Although he didn't want to, he left her alone and went to cook dinner for her and the kids. He thought maybe Mary was just tired and needed a break.

Mary wasn't hungry. All she wanted to do was sit and watch tv.

As the days went on, this continued. She also got worse. After years of marriage, Mary was turning into someone completely different than who John married. She wanted to sleep all the time. She wasn't taking care of the kids or the house. Every time John tried to talk to her, she'd get mad and say nothing was wrong.

John finally had enough. He talked to a few friends at work, trying to figure out what was happening to their marriage. A friend of his suggested that Mary was depressed. John was flabbergasted. 'Depressed? What does she have to be depressed about?' His friend told him that depression sometimes just happens. Chemicals in the brain sometimes stop working, and it happens.

He suggested that John take his wife to see a doctor. She refused to go to a 'nut doctor', so he talked her into seeing their doctor. He would go with her - he told her that maybe it wasn't her, maybe something was wrong with HIM.

Mary thought about it, and eventually went. The doctor immediately knew what was wrong. She was suffering with depression. There is no reason why it happened. The doctor suggested she take some medicine for a while - just to see if it would help.

Shortly after she started taking it, things began to improve. She started doing things around the house again. She started talking to John again, and she started to get her appetite back. John was no longer afraid that he was losing her.

He no longer dreaded going home, afraid of what he may find when he got there. He no longer had to figure out what was going on - where his devoted and loving wife went. Even though he didn't understand it, and didn't want to believe that it could happen in his family, he now knows that depression can happen to anyone, at any time.

A little while later, everything was back to normal. Living with a depressed spouse is hard. Very hard, especially when you don't know what to do. But learn from John and Mary. Support your spouse. Love them. That is all you have to do to save your marriage, when your spouse is suffering with depression.

A little while later, everything was back to normal. Living with a depressed spouse is hard. Very hard, especially when you don't know what to do. But learn from John and Mary. Support your spouse. Love them. That is all you have to do to save your marriage, when your spouse is suffering with depression.

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