What Causes Anxiety For Most People?

Anxiety is unpredictable and there are more than one cause that causes one to suffer from anxiety. Many people who encounter anxiety cannot clearly define what it is. They get a jumble of feelings from being nervous, anxious and panic without a clear reason. No one knows exactly what causes anxiety because it can be due to several factors combined. However, there are groups of cases that causes anxiety. First group is the brain biochemistry, the next group is genetics and early learning and lastly, the fight or flight mechanism. These 3 common groups are what causes anxiety in most people.

What causes anxiety in brain biochemistry is the result of chemical imbalance. One becomes irrational, reacts outrageously and more than normal and have poor judgments. How and what causes anxiety when there is a chemical imbalance in the brain is exactly how hormones imbalance affect the mood swings and behavior of a person. For the brain biochemistry imbalance, the 2 chemicals that are involved are the serotonin and the dopamine. Imbalance of these 2 chemicals are what causes anxiety in a person resulting to depression and anxiousness.

Another factor of what causes anxiety is genetics and early learning. For example, a person's upbringing largely affects their judgment and in some way, it planted some beliefs in them from their childhood experiences. Simple example would be a conservative family and background will make a person to believe that the world is always rigid.This is an example of pattern that are being ingrained to a person and it forms the person's attitude and behavior. Negative childhood memories like abuse is what causes anxiety to a person because their childhood is like a ghost haunting them inside their brain. This will cause the person to have a negative inner voice. Sometimes, recent events can also cause anxiety to a person such as a recent death of someone close or when a person moved into a new place to work or stay.

What causes anxiety is the fight or flight mechanism we human begins are built with. When we sees danger or have experience with a panic attack, we become protective by always being anxious thinking that something bad will happen. On the other hand, we will always be on our toes to fight and defend, which keeps us alert all the time and anxious. This is the state where a person can never relax or be in a calm state because they are always alert.

When we encounter anxiety attack, there is a memory of the attack in us. When we become alert of the attack, we are always on our toes or always cowering and hiding ourselves because we don't want to be hurt again in case there is a next attack. In the long run of hiding and keep thinking that there is another anxiety attack coming, we actually run into the risk of imagining bad incidents that have not happen. In another words, we are letting the anxiety attack we encounter the first time to keep growing and haunt us. When we let anxiety attacks to keep playing and haunt us in our minds, we become victimized and suffer effects of anxiety like depression, nervousness and anxiousness.

As we have discussed through what causes anxiety, we can change our method instead and learn how to manipulate it by understanding how the anxiety attack haunts us and turn it around using a technique to cure our anxiety attack. Learn about the effective technique online that gives you the required tools and methods on combating and putting an end to your anxiety attacks.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lea_Anne

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