Six Human Needs

Why do people do what they do? What are the reasons for human beings for deciding what they decide? What is the motive of their actions? The "Why". With Six Human Needs Psychology, we can find these answers and understand how to make consistent choices.

There are Six Human Needs that drive our lives: certainty, uncertainty, significance, love/connection, growth and contribution. Let me explain these Six Human Needs better. First of all, we all need "certainty": to know that our bills are paid, that our family loves us, that we are going to be healthy and so on. Ironically, we all need "uncertainty". For example, have you ever been in a relationship and lost the passion? Why does this happen often? The reason is there is not enough uncertainty in your relationship. Uncertainty is the adventure, the spice of life and we all need it. As a matter of fact, if you are in a situation were you are bored or feeling "depressed", it is simply because you stopped doing the things that give you adventure and passion. Tip: Ask yourself what activities bring spice into your life, things you are passionate about and do them very frequently.

The third need is "significance": feeling unique, important, needed. We all want to feel special in some sense. Then, we all need "love and connection", which is a feeling of being close or in union with someone or something. The needs for "Growth" and "Contribution" enter a more spiritual ground and are the secret to a fulfilling life. If we don't grow, we die; when we contribute, we stop focusing on ourselves and we focus on serving and supporting others. Keep in mind that when we are stressed or depressed, it is because we are spending too much energy in ourselves.

Once you understand and remember these needs, you will be able to lead in any challenging situation. These six human needs are the basics to understanding what makes you do what you do and further, why others do what they do.

For example, my partner and I go through these needs once a week. If you would like to do it too, here is the mechanics (If you are not in a relationship, it is worth doing this exercise for yourself): Grade from one to ten the following questions and don't forget to ask yourself why you gave that score:

How certain and uncertain do you feel in the relationship? How significant do you feel in the relationship and in your professional life? How is your love and connection? How much are you growing every day? How much are you contributing to each other, to your families and to everyone around you?

If any of these Six Human Needs scores 8, 9 or 10, you are doing great; continue doing what you are doing! On the other hand, if you find out that one of the Six Human Needs is scoring very low, ask yourself why and take action. How do you do this? List at least 2 things you are doing right now to bring the score up.

This exercise really helps us in keeping our relationship at a level I never had a relationship before. If he scores significance at 4, then I know I want to make him feel more important, more needed. If I score uncertainty at 3, then he knows I need some spice, change of routine and fun. Here is the interesting and most important part of this exercise with the Six Human Needs: Every time we do it, we are helping each other in keeping our individual core values, and yet stay together as a happy couple. Isn't that awesome?

I wish this exercises helps you start making some important changes in your life.

Click Here if you want to understand your family, your partner and your friends and if you want to increase success in your business. Again, my name is Maria Nella Di Lisi and I want to help you learn how to create lasting change in your life. I have taken my life into a higher level and I am happy to find people like you that want the same. Visit my site today.

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