Depression and Spirituality

There are universal laws that govern our Universe. One particular law we can all draw association to is " The Law Of Polarity." - Good and Bad. Dark and Light. Inside and Outside.

Is it possible what an individual experiences through bipolar to severe depression is really a gateway to advancing ones life? Could this be a signal not just a symptom? A call from infinite spirit of ones being; seeking to birth a path to higher good through universal law?

We have the power within our minds to work with this particular law in all areas of life. We can apply this to depression and bi polar disorders and bring order to a problem for many. If one understands and applies this information; a simple key in the way of thinking to infinite possibilities; this is an added true supplement to an advancing life of freedom and happiness. This is a great blessing. I know from experience.

I had experienced great depression. The dark side of this was daunting, a lonely pit hole of exhausted desires. Where taking a shower seemed like a big ordeal; sleeping seemed the only option; where my throat and eyeballs hurt from screaming and crying.

In hindsight- believe for me was the gateway to the opposite side.

Depression rares its ugly head. The opposite is freedom from bondage. And what usually keeps us there is fear. ( I will cover this later)

The Law of Polarity. Why not call it The Law of Bi-polarity? Good times are coming.

I reached for these thoughts; fully knowing this too shall pass. Pushing through this hole like a mole under a concrete block. It was not easy. No not easy. Ugh! The oh so positive affirmations I would say out loud even in the midst of not believing seemed pathetic and silly; even to my dog.

The Law of polarity- Everything In The Universe Has An Opposite. Yeah!

If what you are experiencing is depressing, dark or bad... by law there must be something incredibly good. Hold to the truth that you are a creative being and by law (thought cause) will change your situation. It takes far more effort and conscious choice to change your thoughts / perception than it does to live life by default and remain in the " it is what it is"
Inquire-Be an observer of self. Interview self and answer back. (Do you have a journal?) Who cares if it seems ridiculous. Vincent Van Gogh ended up with a master piece. And my dog still loves me. Yes! Everything just is. You make your situation negative or positive / light or dark by choice. Perception
Our thoughts have power even in the midst of emotional trauma. Feel, cry and release. It is in releasing all that is not in harmony with your highest good; you leave the channels open to receive.
Saturate your mind with mind altering information that will produce new ways of thinking and change the course of your life.
Reach high...look higher and maintain your course.We have a choice - the gateway to freedom; the light at the end of the dark tunnel. We have the power to choose. We have free will. We are master and creator of that which we experience. We can be empowered by Universal Laws and work in accordance to this truth or we can ignore this information; however we cannot alter that which has been created.

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