As an Anxious Person, Consider These Tips On How to Improve Your Day

Whilst many of us may go through periods of anxiety, for some people, it is more like a constant state of being, instead of an occasional state of mind, possibly due to some exceptional circumstances. I would like to shed some light on methods that I have found very effective, as part of my morning routine, that I think will benefit many others who are anxious as well.

The best thing we can do, in my humble opinion, is to actually set the alarm clock as much as half an hour earlier than normal, and take the time to really make the most of that special, new found time in the morning. I know some of you will already be suggesting the sleep issue, of missing out on half an hour. However, consider this.

By utilising the morning to set yourself in the right state for the day, to achieve more, with less anxious feelings, as well as most likely, the ability to have a better quality sleep will more than make up for that 'lost' initial half hour. Here's how to go about this, and believe me, after you have tried it, you will most likely swear by it.

I know these are big words, and that is because I am supporting this method myself, and use it daily. I will never write about things that I am not prepared to do myself. This is just basic integrity!

OK, so as I was saying, get up a half hour earlier, and really stretch, Your hands, arms, legs, and feet. This process sends a signal to your brain that you really do want to wake up, and get going. You may even want to shower or bath now, which is fine.

I then take the time to really feel grateful for all the good that I have. I realise you may have problems, and concerns, but let me tell you, the cemeteries are full of people who would like to have your problems.

Your Gratitude Exercises

I would like to suggest that you either have a piece of paper for this, or alternatively, you may use an exercise book, your personal electronic device, or any other way for you to record all that you are grateful for. You may just want to say it softly to yourself, but I find that writing it makes it more powerful for me.

You will find, with some introspection, that you have much t be grateful for. It may be

Your family,
The fact you have your over all health
You have a roof over your head
You have access to a computer
You have a job, and income,
You have food on the table
You have access to medical care,
The list is almost endless...

I think you can see how easy it is to be grateful. It may be as simple as the fact that you can walk, feel, touch, and have finances for your basic needs. Really, when you realise how much there is to be grateful for, it puts a lot of things in perspective, and makes it easier to recognise that we are lucky, even though we, like everyone, have some problems, or challenges as I prefer to call them.

I know you will feel better, after doing this exercise for just two weeks. Do that for at least the two weeks, but why wait there? Why not make it a permanent habit, as you will constantly see how much more you can do in this case?

Applying the above ideas into your daily routine will substantially improve your ability to deal with anxiety, and control it better.

To learn more about controlling anxiety, beating your fears and living life, I highly recommend you practice the techniques taught by previous anxiety victims. They have overcome their fears, and conquered their demons. What about you?

Life is meant to be lived, and enjoyed. You can overcome everything, with determination, and desire - Http://

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