How to Stop Anxious Thinking

If you live with chronic anxiety you may think that the key to stopping anxiety is to attack your anxiety symptoms. Maybe you think that if you can stop palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness and so on, that you can get rid of anxiety once and for all. But the answer to your anxiety problem has nothing to do with your anxiety symptoms and,in fact, has everything to do with your anxious thoughts. Because if you can stop anxious thinking, then you can stop living an anxious life.

Thoughts are powerful and they influence everything about you. Your thoughts shape how you feel, behave, and even how you see the world. So if you can stop anxious thinking, you can set yourself free from the chronic anxiety that rules your life right now. You can stop the anxiety that makes you worry constantly and makes you think that you're always sick or going crazy.

In order to stop anxious thoughts you have to do three things. You have to prepare, re-educate yourself, and reconstruct the way you think about anxiety. If you follow these three steps you can change your life for the better and lose your fear of anxiety.

Prepare - First, you have to know what kind of things get in the way of permanent change. You have to find out what keeps you scared. This is a key question to ask yourself. Once you know what lies in your path, you can then take steps to overcome those obstacles.

Re-Education - Second, you have to re-educate yourself about anxiety, anxiety symptoms, and all the ways that they affect you. You have to remind yourself of what you already know, so that you can focus on facts and not assumptions about what anxiety is and what it can do to you.

Reconstruction - Lastly, you have to reconstruct your thoughts by breaking down anxious thoughts into their basic elements. Then you have to learn how those different elements work together to cause you anxiety, fear, and worry. This means understanding assumptions, core fears, and major concerns.

Going through each of these steps will help you to understand what you should and should not fear. It will help you to understand that your anxious thoughts are exaggerated thoughts that have been hijacked by anxiety and fear. If you want to know how to stop anxious thinking, then you have to do more than take anti-anxiety drugs or just hope for the best.

You can find out more about how to stop anxious thoughts step by step visiting

My name is Paul Dooley and this is an article from my blog and podcast I created this blog for people that feel scared, alone and confused about their anxiety disorder. If you have GAD, social anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Panic disorder or Agoraphobia than I have something for you. Come visit the blog and take a look for yourself. Thanks for reading.

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