Stop Anxiety by Changing How You Think

Stop anxiety by smothering those creepy emotions that come from out of the dark and turn you into a zombie.

I know because I've visited that place before. Not nice. I am grateful to be free of that now. Phwew. On reflection, I can't believe I was there.

If you've suffered anxiety for years or even decades, you know that it takes only a fleeting thought to throw you into the anxiety pits.

Anxiety bums you out. People with heavy anxiety symptoms operate on very low batteries which don't seem to be chargeable. Common if you're an anxious type you know exactly what I mean. That crummy feeling of being strangulated is not what I call exhilarating.

You need to stop anxiety some how.

What can you do?

o Visit a Dr. on a regular basis who goes over your past till you're so tense with anxiety that you die a painful death each time you're on the couch. Never mind the anxiety earned cash you're paying to go through the torture.

o Get a prescription for feel good drugs which leave you numb in other areas.

o Infiltrate new thoughts into your cerebral area.

Personally I prefer the last option to stop anxiety. It's not an overnight process but by monitoring your thoughts it can be done. Monitoring thoughts requires some discipline but is well worth it because it ensures genuine change from the inside out.

Affirm new statements into your soul and mind. Tell yourself uplifting things like, "I'm free of imprisoning thoughts."

Now you may be accusing me of positive thinking woo woo stuff which never got you any where. You've read all the silly literature about comforting your inner child and you still feel tense. Well that's because just reading about it won't help. You have to genuinely want to change and then take some sort of action. And changing your thoughts is an action. It's enough action to change a whole lot of conditions.

Easier said than done?

Yes. You can record yourself affirming the things you'd like and hear your own voice telling you all is fine. Or even better get a CD of statements that have been recorded professionally and played over a background of relaxing music using binaural beats to get the message home.

Living in a state of anxiety is not funny; I can't even joke about it. The weird thing is though that anxiety is only a state of mind which causes physical symptoms. The mind is so powerful and is not even an organ, think about that! It's just an abstract place where our thoughts originate from. Not like the brain which is an actual organ situated in the head space. There is no need for anxiety even if you think there is one.

Seriously how does it help the situation to be anxious? Do you find that the thing you are stressing about becomes less of a worry by you fretting over it? In fact the opposite happens what you focus on expands. I urge you to consider programming your mind with new thoughts, ultimately it is the only thing that will stop anxiety.

I’m the first to admit that my life was the pits before I found myself in the bowl of cherries. How did I get here? By being teachable! Get your mind where it should be and sign up for a for the most helpful and informative FREE newsletter on the market: []

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