Highly Anxious? The Most Effective Way to Stop It

It is an unfortunate fact that approximately 40 million Americans suffer from one form of anxiety or another. Many people that are constantly highly anxious do not know how to deal with their condition, and let it ruin their lives. The most effective way to deal with being highly anxious all the time is to simply be aware of the problem, accept it, and not try to fight it. This will ensure that you are able to deal with your condition whenever it arrises, and to retake control of your life.

The first step to stop being highly anxious is to simply be aware of the problem. What are the warning signals? If you find yourself sitting on public transport and your heart starts to race, or you get a general feeling of apprehension, you will be able to tell that either a panic or anxiety attack is on the way. What are your warning signals? If you can be aware of these, it's a lot easier to stop anxiety in its tracks, before it can become something a lot more serious.

Once you've become aware of your warning signals, it's important not to fight them, but rather simply accept it. There's an old spiritual saying, 'that which you resist, persists.' This means that usually if you try to fight it, the feeling of being highly anxious will largely increase, and most likely win you over. Can you remember any times in your life where you've tried to fight off an overwhelmingly unpleasant sensation? Usually you'll find that the same sensation you try to fight off will not only win, but also become a lot stronger in the process.

So now you've accepted that you've started to become highly anxious, and because you're not spending all your energy trying to fight it off, you can simply let it subside. This is easier said than done, right?

The first way to let your anxiety diminish is to focus all your attention on awareness. Simply observe the feelings of anxiety. Where is it located? Is it moving? Is the sensation hot or cold? How does it feel? Remember; do not try to fight it! Don't tell yourself off, simply observe. Do NOT try to stop the feelings, simply watch them be.

Once you've become aware and started to observe the sensations of being highly anxious without resisting, you can start to calm yourself down. Do this by being conscious of your breathing. Take big, deep breaths, focusing on the sensations of the air rushing through your mouth or nose and into your body. How does it sound? Release and breathe out the air, always paying attention to it, until you can feel yourself start to calm down.

This is arguably the most effective way to stop being so highly anxious. Remember, simply be aware, and NEVER try to fight anxiety off - doing this will simply make it a lot stronger. It is a good idea to keep the phrase 'that which you resist, persists,' in your mind, so you can remember to do this whenever you feel the warning signals arise. Practising this technique regularly will ensure that you are able to live a joyous, happy, and anxious-free life.

Fortunately, curing anxiety is a LOT EASIER THAN YOU THINK. Many think that because their symptoms are so severe that a practical solution would be either a lot of hard work, or simply non existent. Thankfully, we know this is not the truth! Obviously, you care about your mental health and well being, so as you think about how much easier life could be when you are free, allow yourself to take a look at the simple treatments available for from Treating Anxiety [http://stoppanicattacksfast.com] now!

Adrian King

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adrian_King

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