Think Anxiety Away From You

Positive thinking is actually a choice. If you tend to see the glass half empty rather than half full then you may not realize it but you have learnt to see things in from a negative aspect rather than the positive.

The great news is that any choice can be changed even if it is an ingrained habit. The benefits of positive thinking include attracting more positive experiences, enhances self respect and love and greater mental and physical health. Some metaphysicists believe our physical cells of the body have memory and are reacting on a daily basis to our thoughts or messages. For example, if you say negative things in your self chatter (mind) to put yourself down, blame yourself, and generally give yourself a hard time, our cells react with illness and disc-ease. Positive thinking and self love nurture the cells of the body and create health and a feeling of joy and wellness.

Some people may not accept these ideas and that's ok. I am surely not an advocate for forcing my ideas onto people but, if positive thinking may help your anxiety, would you be willing to give it a go? Just for fun? I recommend you do.

A Fun Exercise To Try
o Start listening to your inner dialogue ( what you say to yourself).
o Each time you hear something negative in your mind, stop and say "I no longer choose that old limited thinking - I choose to think...) and follow with a positive expression or thought
o Start a thought book and each day start a new page and right a positive thought as though it has happened already such as "I am living a more positive life and choosing good thoughts about myself"
o Read a little each day about positive thinking. There are so many books on this topic, the local bookshop or library will be able to help you
o Last thing at night before going to sleep, think about the best way your life could be right now and imagine it has already happened.

Positive thinking takes constant practice but keep up with it and you will surely see the benefits with a calmer, happier you.

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