Anxiety Panic Attack, is there Really Life After an Attack

Anxiety Panic Attack

An anxiety panic disorder is described as a anxiety panic attack that
is brought on because of extreme and unrealistic levels of fear. A major
characteristic of an anxiety panic attack is the overwhelming feeling of impending doom.
Even though an anxiety panic attack is relatively harmless, it can be one of the most
terrifying experiences, simply because you feel like you are going 'crazy' and
'out of control'.

The world's leading mental health advisors indicate that almost a third of the earths
population suffer from some form of anxiety panic disorder. That's why it is so
important that you learn what an anxiety panic attack is, the symptoms for
an anxiety panic disorder and different forms of anxiety panic disorder treatments.

As stated earlier, an anxiety panic attack affects numerous people
around the planet and is increasingly becoming a very common part of
life for many. Anxiety panic disorder / attacks unfortunately have the
lowest rates for people reporting them or seeking help. I know first
hand the devastation that an anxiety panic attack can cause on a persons

I had my first anxiety panic attack when I was 28, and spent months trying to
figure out what was going on with me. After months of bouncing from doctor to doctor,
I was finally diagnosed as having an anxiety panic disorder. Because an
anxiety panic attack can mimic other health condition and often goes misdiagnosed,
it is important that people learn to recognize the symptoms and diagnose an
anxiety panic attack.

What Are The Symptoms of Anxiety Panic Attack

There are mainly two forms of symptoms during an anxiety panic attack
and they are physical and emotional. Some of the more common symptoms of
anxiety panic disorder are:


* clenching teeth or jaw

* tightened muscles

* holding one's breath

* sleeping problems

* racing heart beat

* breathing difficulties

* chest pain

* hyperventilation

* irritability


* irritability

* sadness

* depression

* low self-esteem

* loneliness

* "numb" emotions

* explosive emotions

* feeling guilty

Generalized anxiety symptoms tend to be milder than those experienced during a
full-blown anxiety panic attack. If you discover you are experiencing any or
most of the signs and symptoms described above and have been wondering what is
happening to you, the answer may well be that it is an anxiety panic attack or
some other form of anxiety panic disorder.

What are the types of anxiety disorders?

It is important to know that there are several major types of anxiety panic disorder.
Each of the different types has their own characteristics and set of symptoms. Here
is a brief overview of the different anxiety panic disorders.

* Generalized Anxiety Panic Disorder: Characterized by constant worry and fear
that normally interfere with a persons normal activities. It can also be accompanied
by a sense of impending doom (fearing something bad is about to happen.). Some of the
physical symptoms may be headaches, stomach upset, and fatigue. Generalized
anxiety panic attack sufferers may feel nervous almost all of the time, for no
apparent reason.

* Obsessive Compulsive Behavior Disorder: Characterized by excessive, intrusive thoughts
or behaviors that seem uncontrollable. Most will experience obsessions, such as a nagging
concern that they forgot to turn off an appliance or light or do harm to someone. I am sure
you have heard the stories or seen someone washing their hands over and over, almost to
the point of bleeding.

* Anxiety Panic Attack and Anxiety Panic Disorder: A constant, recurring, anxiety panic attack is
characteristic of anxiety panic disorder. They normally happen abruptly and with any warning and
can paralyze a person for up to a half hour. The person experiencing the anxiety panic attack will
eventually learn to avoid places and situations that they perceive as triggers for the attacks. This
is known as Agoraphobia, where you are likely to avoid public places that an anxiety panic attack
can occur in, such as shopping malls, confined spaces or any other place you can not easily escape from.

* Phobias: A phobia is an unrealistic or exaggerated fear of specific objects, activity, or situation.
Some of the more common phobias include fear of animals, fear of heights and fear of flying.

* Social Anxiety / Social Phobia: People who suffer from this anxiety panic disorder have unrealistic
fear of being viewed negatively by others and public humiliation. Social anxiety panic disorder is basically
extreme shyness. People suffering from this anxiety panic disorder may simply avoid social situations


Knowledge is the best weapon against any anxiety panic disorder. The more you know about what you suspect
is your disorder, the more effective you will be able to articulate with your physician or your potential

A great exercise regime is often an excellent therapy for mild or moderate anxiety panic attack.

Also understand that your diet may be a contributing factor. Certain food additives such as Aspartame, the
sugar substitute, or caffeine, can be toxic to some people and cause anxiety panic attack symptoms. Also
be aware of the preservatives in packaged meats.

You should strive to eliminate alcohol and un-prescribed drugs from your routine.

But mostly, understand that there is relief for your symptoms. Many other people, including myself have suffered
with the some form or another of anxiety panic attack / anxiety panic disorder and have successfully
gotten relief, permanently.

Richard Trice is a former sufferer of Anxiety Panic Attacks and has been recovered since 1993. Your next attack could be your last and you will never experience them again. Begin your life panic anxiety attack free at: []

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