What is Anxiety? How Can I Tell If I'm Having an Anxiety Attack?

Anxiety is our body's way of reacting to events that are challenging or outside of our comfort zone. How can I tell if I'm having an anxiety attack? When we find ourselves in an unfamiliar situation and are unable to predict or believe in a happy outcome we are likely to feel anxious. This is normal and often beneficial in that it automatically prompts us to either back off to avoid the situation or to take corrective action - flight or fight.

We all experience some anxiety in our lives caused by the unpredictable nature of everyday living, work, health and relationships and mostly we are able to cope well. It is evident though, that a growing number of people are struggling to cope with a more extreme form of anxiety that, unchecked, can lead to horrid experiences of panic attacks. This type of anxiety can appear out of nowhere, can be born from concerns regarding real events or even imagined ones, and can gradually take control of an unsuspecting person's life leaving them afraid to carry out normal daily activities.

If you have lost interest in hobbies or sports, have started to feel isolated and overwhelmed by gloom and have serious difficulty sleeping you could well be suffering from anxiety. To deal with this condition before it builds to become a real concern you could try the following ideas.

Make changes. Alter your routines by doing things differently or by doing something new. Find time for a little fun.

Improve your diet. Cut out coffee and junk food at least for a while. Take time to eat slowly while relaxed.

Exercise. Lift your exercise level. If you walk now then try running or just walk a little further. Just do more than you were doing and do it regularly.

Try to ensure that you get enough sleep. Put yourself to bed early with a good book to relax with. Practice emptying your mind of concerns and dwell on pleasant things.

These ideas will help to overcome anxiety in the early stages and provide a way ahead. If your anxiety is further advanced or you are suffering from any anxiety disorder symptom you will need to look further for an effective treatment.

So what is anxiety and how can I tell if I'm having an anxiety attack? To check an anxiety disorder symptom or just to learn more about anxiety, visit :-

What is Anxiety


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darryl_Stevens

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