A Brief Discussion on Some Types of Depression

Depression is a common psychological problem in modern life. Aside from that fact, there are not many people who know that depression comes in different types that can be determined by observing its symptoms, the duration and the cause of the depression's symptoms.

Among all types, Major Depression is the most serious one by looking at the amount of the symptoms and the severity. It can be caused by a single traumatic event or by a slow accumulation of stresses over a period of time in life. Some people show fewer symptoms, other people show more symptoms. Some people got depressed although there are no obvious life crises that might cause it. In some cases, Major Depression occurred only once, and in other cases it recurred after a certain period since the last depression elapsed. Although the treatment for both kinds is the same, it took more time for someone to recover from recurring depressions.

Next to Major type is Dysthymic Disorder, a type that is less severe than Major Depression, characterized by chronic depression. The main symptom of this kind is a regular depressed mood, on an almost daily basis, for a minimum of two years, regardless of the presence or absence of any criteria found in a Major Depression. Usually, the symptoms include lack of energy, problems in sleeping and appetite, accompanied by low self-esteem.

The other type is called Adjustment Disorder with depressed mood, which is also known as 'reactive depression." A depression will be put in this category if the diagnosis shows that a certain mild to moderate depression psychological symptoms have developed as a response to a certain identifiable psychosocial stressor. However, the symptoms in this category might overlap with another category, and if it happens, then the depression will simply be put in that other category instead of this category.

The last categorized type is known as Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder is a chronic depression that shows a unique symptom among other depression, which is the presence of mood cycles or mood swings between depression episodes and manic episodes within a certain period of time, following a certain unique pattern. Therefore, at least one manic episode is present in a Bipolar Disorder.

Other depressions: This category is created for any depression that does not fit in any of the above category. The depression might be not severe enough to be categorized as Major Depression, and the symptoms happen for not long enough to fit in the Dysthymic Disorder, also it does not show any mood cycles of depression and manic episodes so that the depression cannot be categorized as Bipolar Disorder. Therefore, this kind of depression will be put into the category of other depressions to be studied further.

Check out more details about symptoms of depression and other health related issues like home remedies for acne.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Imran_Al

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