5 Ways to Make Anxiety Disorder Treatments More Effective

Anxiety disorders affect millions of adults each year. The result is a period of intense, often overwhelming and irrational, fear of distress. Anxiety disorders are not like the anxiety you feel just before speaking in public or going on a first date, but rather last much longer than that. Fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, twitching, irritability, sweating, nausea, lightheadedness, having to go to the bathroom frequently, feeling out of breath, and hot flashes are some of the common physical symptoms that often accompany the anxiety.

If you feel that you may have an anxiety disorder, it is imperative that you seek out more information and get treatment as soon as possible. Before treatment, a careful diagnostic evaluation to determine whether the symptoms are caused by an anxiety disorder or physical problem must be performed. Anxiety disorders are often treated with medication, specific types of psychotherapy, or both; the treatment received often depending on specific case.

It is important to note that medication will not cure anxiety disorders, and only serve to keep them under control temporarily, while the person receives psychotherapy.

What follows are a number of ways in which you can increase the effectiveness of the treatment you receive

It is very common that people set out to do something to improve their lives, but somewhere along the journey, they find themselves giving up. Sometimes it's simply because they eventually realize that more effort is required that they had originally anticipated. Whether you are trying to loose weight, learning how to build your confidence or women or trying to get rid of anxiety disorders, you have to commit to the process and see it through to success.

Like many people that suffer with anxiety disorders, you can benefit from joining a self-help or support group and sharing your struggles and accomplishment with others. Internet chat rooms can also be beneficial in this regard, but be cautious of the advice you receive over the Internet as false identities are common.

Stress Management
Learning stress management techniques and meditation play an important part in helping you calm yourself and may enhance the effects of therapy. There is preliminary evidence that aerobic exercise may also have a calming effect.

Caffeine, certain illicit drugs, and even some over-the-counter cold medications can exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety disorders and should therefore be avoided. You should check with your physician or pharmacist before taking any additional medications. There is also, be mindful of the possible side effects of medication, such as, nausea, jitters, drowsiness and headaches.

Support from Family
Support from your family is important in the recovery of a person with an anxiety disorder. The family should be supportive. They should not make the disorder seem insignificant or improvement can be established without treatment. If there is negativity from your family, you may want to suggest that they learn more about the topic of anxiety disorders.

Anxiety disorder is more common that you may be aware and if display any of the symptoms, you should get help as soon as possible. The five issues discusses above would help to make your treatment much more effective.

Find out more about anxiety disorder and panic attacks and anxiety disorder treatments, by visiting http://www.cureanxietydisorder.com . It doesn't matter if you've and failed to rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks before. Register for free and discover the secrets to eliminating anxiety and panic attacks forever.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Mapp

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