Do You Know What Anxiety Is?

What is anxiety? Experienced anxiety lately? Became more and more worrying? OK, calm down, tell you the truth, anxiety is more common that you may realize. More and more people are suffering from anxiety attack, and it is commonly caused by stress. I will tell you the symptom. For example, When you are driving along, suddenly you have a strange feeling. Your muscles tense up, you start sweating profusely, your heart starts beating fast and you feel a little nauseous, so that is anxiety.

People may think someone who have genuine worries or serious problems suffers from anxiety, but they don't know, anxiety attacks can occur in people who do not have any obvious problems, although anxiety is commonly caused by stress.

Generally speaking, our bodies can handle the stress problem, and it won't attack without rhyme or reason. But keep in mind that if you have a moderate amount of stress for a very long period of time, and it finally becomes a overload problem, you may culminate in an anxiety attack.

Although anxiety becomes a common problem, and most people at one point in their life will suffer from it, but it will interfere with people's day-to-day life, it will cause health problems and even presents dangerous situations.

However, it is more easily recognized by professionals, they may suggest you to have a treatment. There are numerous treatments, include medication, counseling and relaxation techniques. Professionals may also suggest you whether have a long-term treatment or short-term treatment, it all depends on the cause of anxiety.

To Solve Anxiety Problem, Enjoy Life, Live Longer , Naturally---The Most Important Is To Calm Yourself []

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1 comment:

  1. I appreciate this Article, think I saw it before. I have been diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder and sometimes feel anxiety as a part of life on Earth to me. Sometimes it is natural and could be a pertinent warning for us.

    It helps if we take time out, take a deep breath, relax within and feel our bodies at any given point when we feel especially anxious. We should try to meditate as to what in our social environment could be causing it.

    Namaste, Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s

