Little Known Facts About Stress

Modern life is too fast paced and the word "stress" is not new to us. We hear this word in our daily life and associate it with negativity. What is stress? In simple terms, stress is a normal response of our body to different events that upset you in your day to day life.

When you are under stress, the nervous system reacts by sending out stress hormones which prepare the body for immediate action. Stress isn't always bad; in fact stress is categorized into neutral, negative and positive experiences. At times stress can help you by making you push further and do better whether it is sports, your office work or a life and death situation.

In certain cases, stress helps people do better and excel in whatever they are doing. It makes them extra alert and helps their concentration which in turn improves performance and productivity. This is especially true when we think about students who work harder before their tests or athlete's who give their best shot to win an event.

But stress isn't always good and after a certain limit it stops beings helpful. Long-term exposure to stress can be detrimental to your health and mental well-being. Stress can cause major health problems, which if unchecked can translate into severe medical problems. Various factors can cause stress; they can be your job, relationship, family, peer pressure or other challenges and difficulties faced by you in your daily life.

Stress can cause high blood pressure, obesity, digestive problems, and sleep problems, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, skin diseases, and hasten the aging process and in some cases may also increase the risk of heart attack. People who are under chronic stress are more likely to suffer from nervousness, anxiety and depression.

There are various symptoms which can help a person understand whether his loved one is under stress or not. Some of these symptoms include moodiness, memory problems, agitation, lack of concentration, inability to relax, short temper, aches, nausea, chest pain, change in eating and sleeping habits and nervous habits like nail biting. These symptoms may also be due to some other medical problem, but a person who suffers from chronic stress shows one or more of the above mentioned symptoms.

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