Tips to Keep Anxiety and Panic From Taking Over Your Life

"How did I get to this point?" you may ask yourself. Chronic anxiety and panic for the most part does not happen over night. It's a slow process that starts out by taking advantage of your weaker points. However, anxiety can only take over your life if you let it.

Those weaker points can be a number of different things. To understand how we get to a point of being anxiety ridden, we have to understand what produces anxiety. Anxiety is a product of not being able to control something that we so desperately want to control.

A few examples are:


And the list could go on and on.

However, I've personally found that pain through mental and physical suffering is perhaps the fastest way you can allow anxiety and panic to creep in and affect you long-term. We don't have the time to get into a complete discussion on pain and chemical imbalances here, but I think I can show you enough that you can avoid a worsening anxiety state and start healing.

There are several neurotransmitters that help our bodies deal with anxiety and panic that are affected and even reduced by mental and physical pain. Pain can drastically reduce the efficiency of these chemicals to work in your body. I know from experience that this effect can cause your brain to handle stress less effectively with each passing day.

One of those chemicals, serotonin, is the main reason the people of our world are mostly peaceful. The majorities of people are serotonin dominant and seek to get along with others. Serotonin is one of the brain chemicals that allow us to be calm and relaxed under pressure. Serotonin is also one of the main neurotransmitters affected by the amount of sleep we get. Our bodies need well-rounded sleep and rest to help produce serotonin.

Pain and mental stress can be two of the main culprits to destroying good sleep. There is a lot of information on how to get good sleep. But if you're experiencing pain or worried about something, it's very hard to fall asleep.

Use stress reduction techniques to conquer the mental stress and talk to your doctor or naturopath if you need help in eliminating the physical or emotional pain. Once you do these two things you will find that anxiety, at the least, can be controlled and can be stopped from taking over your life.

For more help in overcoming panic attacks and a free 60-page ebook to overcome stress and panic, go to []


Bruce Allen

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