Why Are You Shying Away From Seeking Anxiety Relief Help?

Back in the 1950s, there was tremendous stigma attached to mental illness. Over the years, people have become much more accepting of related conditions, such as anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Yet many sufferers still shy away from seeking anxiety relief treatment.

Statistics show that 1 in 6 people suffer from mental stress. Depression and anxiety disorder are two of the top emotional disorders in adults.

If you're still shying away from seeking anxiety relief help, you don't need to, considering that the person next to you might very likely be suffering similar symptoms that you are experiencing.

Anxiety relief is not about picking your brain to see how you tick, although it is helpful to know what things make you anxious or stressed. By knowing the causes of your anxiety disorder, you are better able to find the right anxiety relief treatment.

There are basically two types of treatment: talk therapy with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and medications. If that scares you, here's what they mean.

Talk therapy is designed to get to the things in your life that are stressing you out, because a large part of anxiety can be linked to stress and worry. Once you identify those issues, you can work to change them or at least the way you have learned to respond to them. That's where the neuro-linguistic programming comes in.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, in simple terms, is a study of how humans think and experience events in their lives. From these studies, researchers have developed techniques that can be used to quickly and effectively change your current thoughts, behaviors and beliefs so that healing can take place.

Basically, you learn how to better respond to things going on around you. If you have anxiety, it's because sometime in your past you learned to react to your environment that way. NLP teaches you how to change that so you no longer experience anxiety in those circumstances.

This is a painless process for permanent anxiety relief because it is all about reprogramming your mind and how you think about certain things. It's done through talking and re-experiencing your world with a new perspective until it becomes natural for you to respond without stress or anxiety.

If you have long-standing anxiety disorder, you might need a little extra help so you can focus on your NLP exercises. That's where medications come in. Now, many people are unwilling to take drugs for any number of reasons, including fear of side effects and of getting addicted.

There is no reason to fear addiction because your doctor will monitor your medications to ensure it doesn't happen. Besides, anxiety relief drugs today generally are not addictive as they were in the early days. Drug therapy has come a very long way in the past 30 years. The side effects are much less common or severe as they once were.

If you've been putting off getting anxiety relief treatment because of the stigma or any other fears, consider that you are not alone. Also, the industry is very understanding and accepting of people with anxiety disorder. Consider, too, that friends and family who really care about you will be accepting, too. In the end, it's your life that truly matters.

Anxiety relief treatments are painless and will enable you to live the rest of your life anxiety free.

Sylvia Dickens is an award-winning journalist who has struggled with and overcome depression, panic and anxiety. Formerly with the Canadian Mental Health Association, she's written, "A Guide to Teenage Depression & Suicide" and "How To Build Confidence and Banish Anxiety Forever". Visit Sylvia's Anxiety Relief [http://www.book-titles.ca] Site for helpful articles and product reviews. Stop by her Ebook Web Site for ebooks on stop smoking, dog training, music instruction, fitness & fat loss, wealth building, travel and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sylvia_Dickens

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